3 Types of Focus — According to Daniel Goleman

I recently finished the book "Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence" by Daniel Goleman. As the name suggests, the book discusses the importance of focus and how cultivating focus can drive success.

One of the ideas that stuck with me is the idea of three different kinds of focus. According to the author, there are three kinds of focus: inner, other, and outer. Below is a description of each:

  1. Inner focus: this type of focus can be thought of as the ability to direct our attention inward, toward our own thoughts and feelings. This kind increases self-awareness and creates stronger connection with with our own emotions, motivations, and values. This is important in building mindfulness.
  2. Other focus: This kind of focus refers to the ability to direct our attention outward, toward the thoughts and feelings of other people. This type increases empathy and leads to a better understanding of other people’s perspectives. This is crucial in interpersonal relationships.
  3. Outer focus: This kind of focus refers to the ability to direct our attention to the world around us (which includes our physical environment and what we are doing at the present moment). It leads to efficiency and effectiveness in achieving goals and completing tasks.