365 Days With Self Discipline | Martin Meadow

365 Days With Self Discipline | Martin Meadow
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I recently stumbled upon the book 365 Days With Self-Discipline by Martin Meadow on the internet, and it struck a chord. I flipped through it and found it interesting. I decided to buy it and go through it slowly. I intend to share a few snippets from the book in the coming days. It’s a great book that teaches how to build self-discipline and how to be patient with results (my interpretation).

Today, most people are unable to wake up early without an alarm clock, and even then, it takes them thirty minutes just to crawl out of bed. Most would find it impossible to sleep on the bare floor, with insects crawling over them and biting their bodies the entire night. If they experienced just a slight ache, most would skip work and complain about how much pain they were in. Most wouldn’t be able to fast for an entire day, let alone go without food for five days in a row.” — Martin Meadow