8 Steps to Building Great Habits — According to The One Thing

8 Steps to Building Great Habits — According to The One Thing
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The other day, I received an email from the The One Thing team. This is a team whose work is based on the success of the book of the same name, and which I have been following ever since I read the book many years ago. The essence of the email was to highlight the “8 Steps To Building Great Habits”. I thought these were great steps and thought of sharing them. Below is my very brief summary of the steps:

These eight tips will help you start creating good habits now.

  1. Do it ONE Thing at a time: Focus on forming just one habit; it increases the likelihood of sticking to the habit.
  2. Track your progress: track your progress and stay on task.
  3. Be extremely consistent in the beginning. Consistency pays off.
  4. Don’t stop if it seems to be taking too long: Don’t give up too early. Remember: it takes 66 days on average to form a habit.
  5. Keep motivational reminders on hand: Use motivational reminders to help you through the difficult phases.
  6. Visualize the rewards of establishing the new habit: Keep the future and its rewards in the mind.
  7. Create a positive parallel pattern: Instead of just quitting a bad habit, replace it with a new parallel pattern for the habit-related situation.
  8. Minimize disruptions when starting a new habit: consider having fewer distractions to begin a new habit.