A Brief History of Humankind

A Brief History of Humankind
Picture from Harari's website

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. This book offers a breathtaking ride through the ENTIRE history of humankind, with uncommon attention to detail and a wide array of perspectives.

In particular, the book discusses the main revolutions that happened over the course of humankind history on earth. These revolutions include the cognitive revolution, the agricultural revolution, and the scientific revolution.

The Cognitive Revolution happened around 70,000 years ago and allowed Homo sapiens to develop language and imagination. The cognitive revolution led to the creation of myths, stories, and fictions that helped humans cooperate in large groups.

The Agricultural Revolution took place around. 12,000 years ago and changed the way humans live. This revolution was characterized by the transition from hunting and gathering to settled and organized agriculture, which allowed humans to build larger societies and create complex civilizations.

The Scientific Revolution happened around 500 years ago and changed the world. It was characterized by the discovery of the laws of nature and the rise of modern science, which transformed the way humans understand and interact with the world.