How to Build the Habit of Reading Daily - Effortlessly

If you want to build the habit of reading daily but don't know how to go about it, this is how you can do it - effortlessly:

  1. Take as little time as 30 minutes a day - 30 minutes a day is 10,950 minutes a year or 182.5 hours a year. Assuming a book takes 8 hours to read on average, that is ~23 books a year. 30 minutes a day vs 8 hours in one sitting. If you have 8 hours, that's good. But if you don't, you can still read by spending only 30 minutes a day and still finish 20+ books a year.
  2. Start with what you love - if you don't enjoy a book, chances are you won't finish it. Do yourself a favor and build the habit of reading by starting with what you love. As Naval Ravikant puts it "read what you love until you love to read". If you love Sports, don't start with books on cosmology, and vice versa.
  3. Choose the book format you enjoy - Pick the format you enjoy using. It can be audio (e.g., Audible or Everand), electronic (e.g., Kindle), or hard copy. Whichever is is easier and more practical based on your lifestyle. It can also depend on the books. Every format has its pros and cons. Pick what works best for you. On average, my mix is 50% Audible/Everand; 30% Kindle; and 20% hard copy.