Brad Jacobs on How To Research an Industry

Brad Jacobs has built seven companies, some of which across different industries. In his book, he shares his experience. What fascinated me so far is how he learns about an industry:

"I use a three-part methodology for my research: I educate myself on the industry as thoroughly as possible, compile a list of questions that matter, and then do my best to get in front of the most knowledgeable experts I can find on each topic. It's not a perfectly linear process, because more questions arise as I continue my research, but that's the basic structure.

I start by reading everything I can get my hands on —journals, periodicals, newspapers, trade publications, employee reviews on web-based recruiting sites, you name it. I look at all the websites and social media of the major players and the up-and-comers in the industry. I set Google Alerts for industry CEO names or other keywords, and I watch lots of YouTube interviews with CEOs"

— Brad Jacobs | How To Make a Few Billion Dollars Page 47-48