Can’t Hurt Me — Quotes

Can’t Hurt Me — Quotes
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David Goggins' book "Can't Hurt Me” is one those books that instill in you a sense of pushing harder. Below are some of the quotes from the book:

  1. "The only way to change is to take action. Not some of the time, but all of the time."
  2. "If you can get through doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness."
  3. "We are all gifted with power, but very few of us ever take the time to unwrap it and use it."
  4. "The only limitations we truly have are the ones we place on ourselves."
  5. "Embrace the suck, because it's the only way you're going to get better."
  6. "We have to realize that we are fighting against a lifetime of bad programming, so it’s going to take more than one day, one month, or even one year to change it."
  7. “I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done”
  8. “Heraclitus, a philosopher born in the Persian Empire back in the fifth century BC, had it right when he wrote about men on the battlefield. “Out of every one hundred men,” he wrote, “ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior…”
  9. “When you think that you are done, you're only 40% in to what your body's capable of doing. That's just the limits that we put on ourselves.”
  10. “it’s possible to transcend anything that doesn’t kill you”