Clear Thinking - Quotes | Shane Parrish - Part 2

Clear Thinking - Quotes | Shane Parrish - Part 2
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  • Part 2 of quotes from Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish:
    • Doing something different means you might underperform, but also means you might change the game entirely.
    • If you do what everyone else does you get the same results that everyone else gets. Best practices aren’t always the best, by definition they are average.
    • Complaining is not a strategy. You have to work with the world as you find it, not as you would have it be. — Jeff Bezos
    • The path to being exceptional begins when you decide to be responsible for your actions no matter the situation.
    • The things you choose not to do often matter as much as the things you choose to do.
    • Emotional intensity is far less important in the long run than disciplined consistency. Inspiration and excitement might get you going, but persistence and routine are what keep you going until you reach your goals.
    • Standards become habits and habits become outcomes.
    • You don’t speak unless you know what you’re talking about.
    • Champions don’t create the standards of excellence. The standards of excellence create champions.
    • Excellence demands excellence.
    • Master-level work requires near fanatical standards.
    • Show me your role models and I’ll show you your future.
    • Masters have a different standard — often one of elegance and beauty.
    • Victory is being a little better today.