Clear Thinking - Quotes | Shane Parrish - Part 3

Clear Thinking - Quotes | Shane Parrish - Part 3
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Part three of notes/quotes from Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish:

    • Definition principle: Take responsibility for defining the problem. Don't let someone define it for you. Do the work to understand it. Don’t use jargon to describe or explain it.
    • The root cause principle: identify the root cause of the problem don’t be content with simply treating its symptoms.
    • Tip: Remember that writing out the problem makes the invisible visible. Write down what you think the problem is, and then look at it the next day. If you find yourself using jargon in your description, it’s a sign that you don’t fully understand the problem. And if you don’t understand it, you shouldn’t be making a decision about it.
    • The ASAP principle: if the cost to undo the decision is low, make it as soon as possible
    • The ALAP principle: if the cost to undo a decision is high, make it as late as possible.
    • Confidence increases faster than accuracy.