On Consistency: 3 Inspiring Examples

On Consistency: 3 Inspiring Examples
A man swimming in a pool painted in Monet style (Generated by DALL·E 2)

Inspiration is perishable. Consistency is the opposite. To achieve stellar results, focus on consistency. Some examples of consistent action:

  • Seth Godin has been writing one blog post every day for the past 20+ years (~9,000 days) consistently. He has not missed a day. Now, that is consistency. Godin is an American author and has written 20+ books.
  • Mike Allen has written a morning newsletter every day, 365 days, for 15 years. That's 5,000+ newsletters, with only 7 days off over that span. Mike is the co-founder of Axios, an American news website. He is one of the authors of Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less.
  • Michael Phelps trained every day for 5 years. No one single day off. His coach, Bow Bowman, said that Michael trained even on Christmas day. On his birthday? He trained twice. Michael Phelps is an American former swimmer and the most successful and decorated Olympian of all time. The extraordinary story of Michael Phelps is told in “Beneath The Surface”, a biography by Brian Cazeneuve and Michael Phelps himself.