Don’t Be The Best; Be The Only One — Kevin Kelly

Recently, I chanced upon a video of Kevin Kelly on Tim Ferris’ podcast. This particular video caught my attention because of Kevin Kelly’s fascinating advice: Don’t aim to be the best; be the only.

This made me think. Generally, we tend to become good at what we do and, eventually, — if we are lucky — we become the best at the craft. However, rarely do we actually think of becoming the only ones. This is not what we are accustomed to hear from mentors and coaches.

Admittedly, I don’t think this is an easy or obvious strategy for everyone. It might even be close to impossible to reach as a goal. It is even fair to construe this as a lofty and unrealistic way to think. After all, only a very small percentage of people will fit in that category. However, it makes you sit for a second and think. And that’s important.

The full podcast can be found here.