From Clutter to Clarity - Quotes | Kerri Richardson

Quotes from the book From Clutter to Clarity by Kerri Richardson:

  • Remember this: your core clutter struggle has everything to do with your mindset. It’s about your beliefs. And it’s about how they cause your behavior. Change your mindset, and you’ll change your behavior.
  • Your body and your gut are great barometers to help determine where you need to set boundaries. Pay attention to when you feel wiped out, disrespected, ignored, or taken advantage of by someone.
  • Your physical clutter is a powerful reminder of your lack of self-care. It’s a call for help—an alert that it’s time to make your needs a priority. And these needs aren’t limited to a tidy home. Your external environment is a reflection of your internal environment, so a neglected home speaks to a neglected you. The stuff around you reflects an abandonment of your core desires, hopes, dreams, and vision.
  • Reversing limiting beliefs, setting boundaries, and being realistic in your expectations are all vital components in a fulfilling life.
  • At the end of the day, remember that it’s okay to let go of things.
  • ..over-explaining is a boundary killer.
  • To save your sanity when planning, practice this approach: underpromise and overdeliver.
  • Because the key to finishing anything is starting it, you want to think about how you can make it easier to begin instead of focusing on the enormity of the job or how long it will take you to complete it.