Highest Standards of Work

Highest Standards of Work
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While reading the Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene, one paragraph on maintaining the highest standards of work stood out for me. It is a good reminder to strive for high standards in our daily work. Below is the exact quotation from the book:

You must adhere to the highest standards in your work. You strive for excellence, to make something that will resonate with the public and last. To fall short of this is to disappoint people and let down your audience, and that makes you feel ashamed. To maintain such standards, you must develop self-discipline and the proper work habits. You must pay great attention to the details in your work and place a premium value on effort. The first thought or idea that comes to you is most often incomplete and inadequate. Think more thoroughly and deeply about your ideas, some of which you must discard. Do not become attached to your initial ideas, but rather treat them roughly. Keep in mind that your life is short, that it could end any day. You must have a sense of urgency to make the most of this limited time. You don’t need deadlines or people telling you what to do and when to finish. Any motivation you need comes from within. You are complete and self-reliant” — Robert Greene, The Laws of Human Nature,  Page 471