How Computer Vision Can Help Save the Planet

Computer vision technology refers to an artificial intelligence (AI) field that enables computers to derive useful information from visual inputs (e.g., digital images or videos). This technology consists of automatic extraction, analysis, and understanding of information from visual inputs. In addition to its many use cases, computer vision has enormous potential to help address some of the environmental challenges. Below are some of the examples of computer vision applications in sustainability:

  1. Environmental Monitoring: Computer vision can be useful in identifying areas that need conservation efforts or to track changes in ecosystems over time. This can be achieved by analyzing satellite imagery, aerial footage, and ground-level images to track changes in vegetation cover, water levels, and land use.
  2. Climate Change Mitigation: Computer vision can assist in designing and developing efficient renewable energy systems (e.g., solar panels and wind turbines). This can be achieved by identifying strategic and optimal locations based on data about factors such as sunlight, wind patterns, and terrain.
  3. Wildlife Conservation: Computer vision can also be used in wildlife conservation. Its application in wildlife can include monitoring and tracking wildlife populations, identifying species and individual animals, and monitoring their behavior and movements. This information can be crucial in tracking the impact of human activity on wildlife, thus leading to the development of conservation strategies to protect endangered species.
  4. Agriculture: Computer vision can play a big role in improving agricultural productivity and sustainability. This can be achieved by, for instance, providing real-time monitoring of crop health and growth or monitoring the use of resources such as water or fertilizers more efficiently.

Overall, computer vision has the potential to contribute to the protection of the planet. These are just a few examples.