How to Be Here (Rob Bell) - Part 2

How to Be Here (Rob Bell) - Part 2
Image from Amazon (Retrieved on July 27, 2023)

More quotes from How to Be Here by Rob Bell:

  • Risk sometimes leads to failure, and failure is overrated.
  • The truth is, you want risk. Not too much that it overwhelms you, but some.
  • You want some risk in your life. Risk is where the life is.
  • You cannot control how people are going to respond to you and your work in the world.
  • The joy comes from being fully present in this moment. The reward is in throwing yourself into it right here and now.
  • If your work feels beneath you, or monotonous and meaningless, try giving it everything you have like it's the only thing you have.
  • …how you do anything is how you do everything.
  • …our external environments mirror our internal lives.
  • If you don't use it, toss it.
  • It's extraordinary how even small changes in your exterior environment can deeply shape your interior life. Clean, intentional physical space can dramatically affect how calm your mind and heart are.
  • When you intentionally slow down, you instantly see how fast you've been moving the rest of the time. When you stop to pay attention, you learn how much you've been missing.