Inner Engineering — Quotes

Inner Engineering — Quotes
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Here are some quotes from the book Inner Engineering by Sadhguru:

  • Learning to listen is the essence of intelligent living.
  • The whole effort of the spiritual process is to break the boundaries you have drawn for yourself and experience the immensity that you are.
  • Reactivity is enslavement. Responsibility is freedom.
  • Being responsible is taking ownership of your life. It means you have taken the first radical step to becoming a complete human being—fully conscious and fully human. In taking responsibility and beginning the journey toward conscious living, you are putting an end to the age-old patterns of assigning blame outward or heavenward. You have begun the greatest adventure life has to offer: the voyage inward.
  • Enlightenment is not an attainment or an achievement. It is a homecoming.
  • That which knows how to bend will not break.
  • I do not know” is the doorway—the only doorway—to seeking and knowing.
  • Freedom is seen as the natural longing in every human being and our ultimate destination.
  • Responsibility simply means your ability to respond.
  • The moment you get strongly identified, you lose your perspective on life!
  • In is the only way Out.
  • Once you take charge of your inner life, there is no such thing as stress.
  • Every human being lives in a perpetual state of insufficiency.
  • Seeking is not about looking for something. It is about enhancing your perception, your very faculty of seeing.
  • Once your thoughts get organized, your emotions will also get organized.
  • Right now your problem is that you suffer what happened ten years ago and you suffer what may happen the day after tomorrow.
  • The present is the only place that you can be. If you live, you live in this moment. If you die, you die in this moment. This moment is eternity.
  • Remain still. Allow your attention to slowly grow still as well. Do this for five to seven minutes a day. You will notice that your breath will slow down.
  • If you keep the false conclusions at bay, truth will dawn.