On Building Your Story | Martin Meadow

On Building Your Story | Martin Meadow
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Words create sentences; sentences create paragraphs; sometimes paragraphs quicken and begin to breathe. That’s a quote by Stephen King as cited in the book 365 Days of Self-Discipline by Martin Meadow. On day 10 of the series, the author argues that building discipline is like writing a book. You start slowly until a given effort becomes a habit, a way of life. No one becomes an expert without starting small and being consistent until their craft becomes natural. Similarly, self-disciple seems to emerge from a slow, steady effort invested in working on the habits we want to build.The author concludes:Whenever you get discouraged, or feel tired by how far you still have to goto accomplish your goals, remind yourself that everybody who has built self-discipline had to go through the same process — starting with little changes which then turned into habits, which then led to big lifestyle changes and identity shifts, and eventually, into successes. — Martin Meadow