On Disciplined Education | Martin Meadow

On Disciplined Education | Martin Meadow
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Day 23 of the 365 days of self-discipline book covers the topic of disciplined education. Essentially, the author (Martin Meadow) argues that we should expose ourselves to tasks that develop our self-discipline. These tasks may demand more effort, but ultimately it builds your self-discipline. For example, instead of reading too much news, you can try to read a thought-provoking book. Although a book typically takes more effort to read than news, you will benefit more from the book. Plus, you’ll have built the discipline of sticking to a difficult task until it is finished, which is an essential skill in life.

The author gives a good example on reading:

"Reading thought-provoking and/or long titles conditions your brain to eschew mental laziness. When a book provides an intellectual challenge and you keep going, you train yourself to stay with problems for as long as necessary to figure them out instead of giving up — and that’s a habit that will surely help you in other endeavors, too." — Martin Meadow