On Long-Term Focus | Martin Meadow

On Long-Term Focus | Martin Meadow
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Day 14 of the 365 days of self-discipline book covers the subject of long-term focus. Success requires long-term focus. So does self-discipline. It is impossible to see the benefits of self-discipline in short period of time. It takes patience.No matter how much you want to build something phenomenal, long-term focus is the only ticket to getting there. Similarly, in building self-discipline, embrace patience with the results.As the author concludes:

Analyze your goals and how you approach them. Replace short-term-oriented behaviors with those that show that you’re in it for the long haul. Self-discipline isn’t limited to rejecting a cake or sticking to an exercise habit; you also need self-discipline to maintain a long-term focus in all of your endeavors. — Martin Meadow