Peak performance - Quotes | Brad Stulberg & Steve Magness

Peak performance - Quotes | Brad Stulberg & Steve Magness
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Ideas and quotes from Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg & Steve Magness:

    • Periodization: stress and rest.
    • Stress demands rest and rest supports stress.
    • Stress + Rest = Growth
    • In order to be a maximalist, you have to be a minimalist.
    • It isn't experience that sets top performers apart but the amount of deliberate practice they put in.
    • In a society that glorifies grinding, short-term gains and pushing to extremes, it takes guts to rest.
    • The real secret of world-class performers is not the daily routines that they develop, but that they stick to them. That they show up, even when they don’t feel like it. Call it drive, call it passion, or call it grit; whatever you call it, it must come from deep within.
    • Apply the components of perfect practice each time you set out to do meaningful work:
      • Define a purpose and concrete objectives for each working session.
      • Ask yourself: What do I want to learn or get done?
      • Focus and concentrate deeply, even if doing so isn’t always enjoyable.
      • Single-task: The next time you feel like multitasking, remind yourself that research shows it’s not effective. Keep in mind Dr. Bob’s secret: “Do only one thing at a time.”
      • Remember that quality trumps quantity.”