Quotes by Sidney Sheldon

Quotes by Sidney Sheldon
Image from this website (retrieved on July 21, 2023)

Quotes attributed to Sidney Sheldon (no doubt my all-time favorite novelist thus far):

  • Life is like a novel. It's filled with suspense. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page.
  • Nothing lasts forever.
  • You have two choices. you can keep running and hiding and blaming the world for your problems, or you can stand up for yourself and decide to be somebody important.
  • To be successful you need friends and to be very successful you need enemies.
  • Being poor is only romantic in books.
  • Because there was a hunger in me to see everything and do everything. I wanted to be everyone I saw. I wasn't enough for me. Can you understand that?
  • The difference between a rebel and a patriot depends upon who is in power at the moment.
  • Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better.
  • Don't give up. There are too many nay-sayers out there who will try to discourage you. Don't listen to them. The only one who can make you give up is yourself.
  • If. A two-letter word for futility.
  • Just remember, when someone has an accent, it means that he knows one more language than you do.
  • Usually, when people get to the end of a chapter, they close the book and go to sleep. I deliberately write a book so when the reader gets to the end of the chapter, he or she must turn one more page.
  • Every man is a prisoner, and the greatest irony of all is to be the prisoner of another man.
  • You are my sun, and if the sun went out, the shadow would die.