The One Thing Blueprint To Goal-Setting

The One Thing Blueprint To Goal-Setting
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If you struggle with goal-setting, this is the cure: 5 years → 1 year → Month → Week → Day → NOW.

This blueprint comes straight from the book “The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results” by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan.

The book offers, inter alia, the blueprint to setting your goals from five years to NOW. This is how you do it:

  • Someday goal: What’s the one thing I want to do someday?
  • Five-year goal: Based on my someday goal, what’s the one thing I can do in the next five years?
  • One-year goal: Based on my five-year goal, what’s the one thing I can do this year?
  • Monthly goal: Based on my one-year goal, what’s the one thing I can do this month?
  • Weekly goal: Based on my monthly goal, what’s the one thing I can do this week?
  • Daily goal: Based on my weekly goal, what’s the one thing I can do today?
  • Right now: Based on my daily goal, what’s the one thing I can do right NOW?