Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris: Book Notes and Quotes

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris: Book Notes and Quotes
Impressionist oil painting of Tools of Titans book (Generated by DALL·E 2)

Below are the notes/quotes from "Tools of Titans" by Tim Ferris

  • Haste makes waste.
  • Aim narrow; own your category.
  • Saying yes to less is the way out.
  • "Quality questions create quality life"
  • "You can't beat the basics" - Charles Poliquin
  • "Losers react. Leaders anticipate" - Tonny Robbins
  • Amplify your strength rather than fix your weaknesses.
  • "Losers have goals. Winners have systems" - Scott Adams
  • "Information without emotion is not retained" - Tony Robbins
  • "How you do anything is how you do everything" - Martha Beck
  • "It is better to have and not need than need and not have" - Franz Kafka
  • "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world" - Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • "The quality of your questions determines the quality of your life" - Tony Robbins
  • "It is better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to be right in chains" - Thomas H. Huxley
  • "I didn't survive; I prepared" - Nelson Mandela when Tonny Robbins asked about how Mandela survived
  • "Investing in your life is the best investment you'll ever make in your life" - Warren Buffet to Tonny Robbins