Life Formulas — According to Naval

Life Formulas — According to Naval
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In the book Almanack of Naval Ravikant, Eric Jorgenson shares the life formulas as enumerated by Naval Ravikant. Below are the formulas:

  • Happiness = Health + Wealth + Good Relationships
  • Health = Exercise + Diet + Sleep
  • Exercise = High Intensity Resistance Training + Sports + Rest
  • Diet = Natural Foods + Intermittent Fasting + Plants
  • Sleep = No alarms + 8-9 hours + Circadian Rythms
  • Wealth = Income + Wealth * (Return on Investment)
  • Income = Accountability + Leverage + Specific Knowledge + Taking Risk
  • Leverage = Capital + People + Intellectual Property
  • Specific Knowledge = Knowing how to do something society cannot yet easily train other people to do
  • Return on Investment = “Buy-and-Hold” + Valuation + Margin of Safety